how can you be so pro america?
the media is an organisation which works with the government and is most likely to be biased, hence what you see and believe can be just lies told to you people to keep you in the dark of what really is going on.
the uk is as bad as the us - both work together, with america its either work with us or against us.
how can you bring the british empire into all this? you cant blame that on the british people living here now about what happened, thats just ignorant.
about 9/11, if a plane crashed on the side of a building no way would the building fall flat - that only happened on control demolitions, it makes no sense. try it with jenga blocks or something. sometimes the evidence against it makes more sense.
also, america lied about the weapons of mass destruction in iraq, which was all bull and a cover-up. - think! if your country can lie about the reasons to go to war then what else can they lie about?
''Yes, yipee we found the cure, lets not tell anyone let them die, I have nothing more to say sounds stupid enough right there....'' > yipee we found no wmd's lets kill every f**ckin iraqi so we can take the oil!!
plus the aids thing, what you said about the monkeys crap is just bull, thats also a conspiracy theory if you did not know.
maybe islamic fundamentalists are reacting and retaliating against the world because of the whole war on terror crap, maybe this terrorism thing is just a front to cover up the real issues?
america is known for its patriotic-ness, meaning that if your country does some down right stupid stuff you people arent going to realise because your blinded by the glory of the flag.
why is bush president? hes a fool who cant even memorise a speech which was written for him??
Bush is just a puppet - the people above him are the actual leaders [your so called intelligence] even bush probably doesnt know what is going on.